• Recipes

    Creamy Oat Milk

    This “milk” is the perfect dairy-free alternative! It is great plain and can be used as an alternative to any recipe that calls for milk. If you make this once and try it, I promise you won’t go back to store bought. It is so easy and tastes great. There are so many added health benefits of using oats, such as:– Oats are incredibly nutritious containing important vitamins and minerals and are filled with antioxidants– Can lower cholesterol– High in fiber Oat milk is also one of the most sustainable milk options. We all know the greenhouse gas emissions that cow milk is contributing to our environment. But even between…

  • Recipes

    Gluten Free Natural Granola

    This granola recipe is amazing served with milk as a cereal, topping for yogurt and smoothie bowls, and even plain. It can be easily adapted for the ingredients you have on hand. I make this recipe weekly, because it doesn’t last long in my house, and it is different every time and taste better and better. Print Recipe Gluten Free Natural Granola Servings quart Ingredients 2 cups puffed rice1 cup oats Quick or old-fashioned2 tbsp coconut oil1/2 cup chopped nuts/seeds any type you have, I used pecans, almonds, pumpkin2 tsp cinnamon1/2 tsp pink himalayan sea salt sea salt works fine too1/4 cup honey or other liquid sweetener1/3 cup chopped dried…

  • Recipes

    One Bowl Perfectly Moist and Sweet Banana Bread

    A good banana bread recipe is a staple for every recipe book.  It’s delicious for breakfast or for a snack and it is the perfect way to use up bananas that are too ripe. Hey, it’s the perfect way to be resourceful!  Usually, when we have bananas, there’s only one or two we can’t eat before they go bad and I don’t always have time when they are ripe to make banana bread.  I will freeze the bananas in the peel and take them out of the freezer morning I plan on making banana bread, or like usual if I don’t plan ahead I will nuke them in the microwave…

  • Recipes

    Hearty and Healthy Whole Grain Bread

    Making homemade bread is an easy way to save some money, plus nothing compares to a fresh loaf right out of the oven than store bought. The smells in your house will make it hard to resist stealing a slice right when it comes out of the oven. I love it smear with honey while it’s still warm.  This bread is perfect plain, toasted with jam, for sandwiches, with soups, and just about anything. This recipe also makes nice buns. I usually make 1 loaf and the rest buns. This recipe is a balance of whole wheat and white flour. I think the measurements are the perfect balance of the…

  • DIY

    Inlay Flagstone Path

    In the spring and fall when we get heavy rainfall our lawn would turn into a muddy mess. We decided to make this pathway to keep a route that will minimize foot traffic on the lawn and keep in mud free! This method only took us a day to do and was pretty easy. First thing we did was dig up the grass to where our path would go. In the dug up path area, you must lay sand before you lay down the rocks. This makes a soft moldable place where the rocks can sit flush. If you skip this step and place it on the dirt, there will…

  • Lifestyle

    10 Quotes to Inspire You

    I love finding new quotes that make me see things in a different view and that I can put up around the house to remind me.  Here are a few quotes that I love their meaning and make me remember to be thankful and humble. 2. 3.  4. 5. 6.  7. 8. 9.  10.  Let me know which ones you love and I will do a blog on ways to display quotes around your house. Also, let me know what other quotes you enjoy and ones I should add to my next list!

  • Sustainability

    10 Simple Ways to be More Sustainable – and Why I am Not Zero Waste

    I have always admired anyone who could label themselves as zero waste. Unfortunately, I find it is just not possible. Instead of striving to be completely zero waste, and then finding out it is way to hard and going back to old ways of waste, I figure it is best to make better choices and do my best in a more achievable way. First of all, I want to say we do try our hardest. We donate or recycle everything possible at our local recycle center. when you live on a farm, something will break beyond repair. A tire will go flat that can’t be fixed – no recycling options…

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  • Sustainability

    Potato Water – What it is and Why You Should Be Using It

    This comes from a trick my grandmother always uses.  Whenever she boils potatoes, she would always pour the water into a mason jar and put it in the fridge for later use.  My grandmother comes from a time with little money and poor access to resources.  So if there was something that she could use twice or as many times as possible, she would! The best way to get the best nutrition and health benefits from potatoes is to eat them whole (skin) and cooked in their natural state, such as baked. Sometimes this isn’t an option because you need to boil potatoes for mashed potatoes and other delicious types.  But…

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  • DIY

    Elegant Bathtub Tray in 15 Minutes

    This project has been on my to-do list forever! On a cold day, there is nothing I love more than having a nice hot bath and relaxing with a book and tea (or wine). Until now, I have had the battle of trying to balance my book and drink on the edge of the tub with the hopes of not submerging my book or knocking my glass off, which would be a quick way to ruin the essence of the bath. Pair the tray with your book, wine, and a candle and you set yourself up for a perfect evening! Below is the quick and easy directions on how to…