• Recipes

    Creamy Oat Milk

    This “milk” is the perfect dairy-free alternative! It is great plain and can be used as an alternative to any recipe that calls for milk. If you make this once and try it, I promise you won’t go back to store bought. It is so easy and tastes great. There are so many added health benefits of using oats, such as:– Oats are incredibly nutritious containing important vitamins and minerals and are filled with antioxidants– Can lower cholesterol– High in fiber Oat milk is also one of the most sustainable milk options. We all know the greenhouse gas emissions that cow milk is contributing to our environment. But even between…

  • Recipes

    One Bowl Perfectly Moist and Sweet Banana Bread

    A good banana bread recipe is a staple for every recipe book.  It’s delicious for breakfast or for a snack and it is the perfect way to use up bananas that are too ripe. Hey, it’s the perfect way to be resourceful!  Usually, when we have bananas, there’s only one or two we can’t eat before they go bad and I don’t always have time when they are ripe to make banana bread.  I will freeze the bananas in the peel and take them out of the freezer morning I plan on making banana bread, or like usual if I don’t plan ahead I will nuke them in the microwave…