Inlay Flagstone Path

In the spring and fall when we get heavy rainfall our lawn would turn into a muddy mess. We decided to make this pathway to keep a route that will minimize foot traffic on the lawn and keep in mud free!

This method only took us a day to do and was pretty easy.

First thing we did was dig up the grass to where our path would go.

In the dug up path area, you must lay sand before you lay down the rocks. This makes a soft moldable place where the rocks can sit flush. If you skip this step and place it on the dirt, there will be air pockets and the rock won’t sit evenly so the rocks can fracture and break.

Next lay the rocks down where you want them… this can take some time we laid them out rearranged and rearranged again to look the best.

Then pat down each rock and add sand below the rocks so they sit evenly and don’t rock back and forth.

We then got a level and made sure the path would be relatively flat so it wouldn’t be a tripping hazard.

Then lastly, add dirt on top of the sand and grass seed or some cover crop and wait for your grass to grow back in a few weeks!