Hearty and Healthy Whole Grain Bread
Hearty and Healthy Homemade Bread. This recipe’s adaptations of the traditional bread recipe add extra nutrition and excellent taste!
  1. In a pot bring one cup potato water/tap water to a boil, add in 7-grain cereal, quinoa, and bring to a boil again.
  2. Turn off the burner and add in salt, molasses, and oil. Let sit overnight or until cool.
  3. Add in grain mixture to a mixer, add eggs, warm water, and yeast, and mix until combined. Optional – mix in millet
  4. Mix in the 1 cup of whole wheat flour and 2 cups white flour until combined then slowly add in more flour until the dough pulls away from the sides and cleans the sides of the bowl and slightly bounces back when poked with your finger. The dough should be still a bit sticky.
  5. Knead for 10 minutes.
  6. Cover with a dish towel and let rise until doubled in size – about 1 hour depending on temperature.
  7. Punch dough down to let out air and let rise again until doubled in size.
  8. Divide dough in half and roll out into loaves and place it in greased/oiled bread pans. (This dough also rolls well into buns.)
  9. Let sit in pans until doubled in size.
  10. Bake at 350° for about 40 minutes. The dough should be golden brown.
  11. Take out of pans immediately and knock on the bottom of the loaves – it should sound hollow inside.
  12. Place on a cooling rack covered with a dish towel until completely cooled.
  13. Store in airtight container or bag.
Recipe Notes

– This recipe can be easily doubled, tripled, to fit your needs.

– The potato water is the water left from boiling potatoes. If you don’t have any of this, use water.

– 7-grain cereal can be omitted or substituted for a mixture of grains (oats, bran, barley, flax, millet, etc.)

– This recipe has the perfect balance of whole wheat and white flour, adding more whole wheat flour would make the bread dense and not rise so it is not recommended, add more white flour as you wish.